job share partnership, the principal may simply attach a copy of the signed Job Share Worksheet to the approved Job Share Proposal Cover Page. Please send a. Presenting a Proposal to Management: With a partner identified, you can present a realistic and workable, job-sharing proposal filled with the details which. Job Sharing Proposal Now. What is Job Sharing? Job sharing is the allocation of duties, salary, and benefits of one full time teaching position between two. Work sharing occurs when an employer reduces the workweek of all employees (for example, from 40 hours to 36 hours in order to avoid a 10% layoff). Advantages. Job-sharers can get the balance they want between work and the rest of their lives, and still take on a job with the full range of responsibilities. For the.
Ask the pair and manager to propose a fair and efficient split. Both partners will still need to be across responsibility and ensure continuity on their working. On June 21, , the President also directed executive departments and agencies to review their personnel practices and develop a plan of action to utilize. This resource includes a range of helpful forms and checklists, as well as loads of tips we have learned while job sharing over the years! Inside you will find. Where it has been agreed that posts can be job shared, this should be stated in the advert. Refusal to agree to a job share proposal from existing employees. Build the business case and create your Job Share Proposal; Get the green light for your job share, either for your current position or a new one,; With a. job share partnership, the principal may simply attach a copy of the signed Job Share Worksheet to the approved Job Share Proposal Cover Page. Please send a. Job share considerations and guide. Overview. A job share is a work plan where one full time position is shared by two part-time FTE regular staff. It is important that job sharing line managers take the time to develop a shared vision for their team or unit, and plan how this will be communicated and. job share arrangement leaves the position, it may be necessary, if If either employee submitted a written proposal requesting that their full-time job be. Presenting a plan to job-share a position requires careful consideration of many important issues. You and your job-sharing partner should sit down together and. A written plan for a job sharing assignment shall be presented to the site administrator for approval by May 1 of each school year and referred to the.
This is another big shift from being a full time employee. Plan to invest time in developing the professional relationship with your partner – more time that. You'll need to create a proposal with your soon-to-be partner. Your job share proposal should be clear, address manager concerns proactively. Teachers interested in job sharing must complete a proposal form describing their job sharing activities plan for the school year to the building. Job Share Position Sample Proposal - The Narrative MarkX has been experiencing rapid turnover among the testing staff. Propose that we create two job sharing. Begin with your statement of purpose, e.g. this proposal is a request to share the position of (position title) currently held by (your name) on a permanent. Both partners must be continuing contract teachers in the district. All job share proposals must be discussed with the school administrator prior to submitting. This guide is based on the findings from The Job Share Study, an investigation into the feasibility of job sharing in senior roles, a study that analysed. The most basic job share arrangement involves splitting the work time and work load 50/50, but job shares can be arranged for the employees who need them. For. A written plan for a job sharing assignment shall be presented to the site administrator for approval by May 1 of each school year and referred to the.
When writing your job share proposal make sure you cover ; share and divide responsibilities ; Hours of work for each partner (including possible overlap) ; How. The proposal shall identify the following: • The position to be shared. • The manner in which the job is to be shared; for example, the percentage of the job. Current employees who desire to share a position may submit a proposal to the immediate supervisor for consideration. The proposal must include an explanation. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT DOCUMENTS OTHER THAN THESE FORMS AS THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Name. Employee ID#. School. Grade/Subject. Job Share Partner's Name. with each employee. 2. Job Share Proposals. The job share proposal will be presented to the immediate supervisor for consideration and will include the.
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